Introduction to HPC with Spartan

Image for Introduction to HPC with Spartan

The University of Melbourne
Room 329, Eastern Resource Centre
3rd Floor, Building 171
Parkville, VIC 3010

  • All graduate researchers

If your desktop system is too slow for your "big datasets" or the problems too complex, High Performance Computing (HPC) is the tool you need. At the University of Melbourne we have one general purpose HPC systems, Spartan, which is available to researchers. This introductory course will provide an overview of this systems and the Linux command-line, how to write Slurm script so you can submit data or task parallel jobs, and with plenty of "hands-on" examples of running with research applications. Bring a laptop and a desire to learn about supercomputers.

Your trainer for this workshop is Lev Lafayette, from Research Platforms Services, The University of Melbourne. Bring your own laptop.