Late Submission Process

1. Overview

1.1. This process supports the Graduate Research Training Policy (MPF1321) by setting out how to request, assess and approve and manage late submission applications.

2. Purpose

2.1. Late submission allows a candidate who was confirmed on or after 1 January 2018 more time to submit their thesis if they will be unable to submit their thesis by their maximum course duration due to research-related delays that are beyond their control.

3. Process

Eligibility for late submission

3.1. To be eligible to apply for late submission, a candidate must have experienced research-related delays beyond their control.

3.2. Examples of research-related delays that may justify late submission include:

  • a) delays to ethics approval
  • b) unexpected change of direction of research due to external or other factors (for example, altered legislative requirements)
  • c) delays to experimental work
  • d) delayed access to, or loss of, a research site
  • e) delays in being granted visa approval to travel to another country to access resources such as research sites or archival repositories
  • f) delays in accessing archival, museum, or other research sites due to delays in getting approval to access such sites
  • g) significant loss of data
  • h) breakdown of critical equipment
  • i) loss of access to critical equipment.

3.3. A delay in research due to suspension for misconduct is not an eligible reason to grant a late submission.

Applying for late submission

3.4. Candidates who have successfully completed an approved research internship of at least 60 equivalent full time student load (EFTSL) days are eligible for late submission of an equivalent duration to the internship, up to a maximum of 120 EFTSL days. To be eligible for this late submission, candidates must complete an internship for which:

  • a) a fully executed internship agreement is lodged with the Graduate Research Internships team no later than 3.0 years EFTSL for doctoral degree candidates, and no later 1.5 years EFTSL for masters degree (research) candidates, and
  • b) the internship project plan and final report have been approved by the principal supervisor.

3.5. Candidates granted a late submission of an equivalent duration to a successfully completed and approved internship may apply for additional periods of late submission up to the maximum submission date.

3.6. Candidates and their advisory committee must discuss the thesis plan and potential for a late submission application at least 6 months prior to the maximum course duration.

3.7. An application for late submission must be made by the candidate’s advisory committee at least 6 weeks prior to the candidate’s maximum course duration date. The application must detail the:

  • a) reasons why the research has been delayed
  • b) the candidate’s understanding of the research and the plan for completion
  • c) the supervision, resources, and support that will be available to the candidate to achieve completion.

Assessing applications for late submission

3.8. The late submission panel will consider the following factors when deciding whether to approve an initial period of late submission:

  • a) the date that maximum submission date will be reached
  • b) whether the graduate researcher has been disadvantaged during candidature as a result of research-related delays beyond their control
  • c) whether the candidate has demonstrated sufficient understanding of the research topic to make completion likely, and
  • d) whether the plan for completion is achievable.

Management of late submission

3.9. If an application for late submission is approved, candidates will be granted an initial period of late submission in accordance with Table 5 of the Graduate Research Training Policy.

3.10. Candidates must remain enrolled during late submission, unless the late submission panel approves a leave of absence. Leave will only be approved for compelling and compassionate circumstances.

3.11. The supervisors and advisory committee must continue to support and monitor the candidate’s progress during late submission in keeping with normal supervisory practice.

3.12. The advisory committee may apply for further periods of late submission:

  • a) in increments no greater than the initial period, up to the maximum submission date.
  • b) at least 6 weeks prior to the expiry of the approved submission deadline.

3.13. Further periods of late submission will be approved provided that:

  • a) the candidate has made sufficient progress towards completion since the previous application and
  • b) the conditions in clause 3.8 continue to be met.

3.14. If an application for a further late submission period is rejected and the candidate does not submit their thesis within 10 business days of the approved submission date, their enrolment will be terminated without further warning.

Late Submission Process version 1.

Authorised by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate and International Research), 1 January 2025.