Commencement checklist
Welcome to the University of Melbourne. Use this checklist to kickstart your first three months with confidence and find essential information.
Your first week
Welcome to your first week as a graduate researcher. Find out how to make a successful start to your degree.
Your first month
Congratulations on making it to the first month of your degree. Find out what you should have completed by this point.
Your first three months
The first three months of your degree have come and gone. As you prepare to submit your commencement form and Supervisory Agreement, check to see if you’ve completed the following tasks.
Commencing your joint PhD
If you are a joint PhD graduate researcher, there are a few more steps that you need take at the start of your degree to ensure you fulfill your commencement requirements across both institutions.
Commencing with the University of Melbourne
Commencing with a partner institution
Graduate Research Hub
- Getting started
- Roles and responsibilities
- Being a candidate
- Pre-confirmation
- Confirmation
- Reviewing my progress
- At risk of unsatisfactory progress
- Unsatisfactory progress
- Making changes
- Add or drop coursework subjects
- Apply for leave
- Return from leave
- Apply for Study Away
- Return from Study Away
- Change my study rate
- Check my candidature status
- Change my current supervisors
- Request an evidence of enrolment or evidence of qualification statement
- Change my project details
- Change department
- Transfer to another graduate research degree
- Late submission
- Withdraw from my research degree
- Check the status of a request
- Re-enrolment
- Advice on requesting changes
- Extension of candidature
- Lapse candidature
- How to cancel a form in my.unimelb
- Resolving issues
- Taking leave
- Study Away
- Finishing on time
- Request an evidence of enrolment or evidence of qualification statement
- Being a joint PhD candidate
- Graduate Research Tenured Study Spaces
- Developing my skills
- Preparing my thesis
- Examination
- Planning my future
- Getting support
- Key graduate research contacts
- Surveys
- Processes