Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship policy
The Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships are provided by the Australian Government to support both domestic and overseas students undertaking research doctorate and research masters degrees. For more information, refer to the Department of Education and Training website.
The University of Melbourne participates in the RTP and offers the RTP Scholarships as part of a suite of graduate research scholarships. For an overview of the eligibility and selection requirements and scholarship benefits, please refer to our graduate research scholarships page.
All students who on the 31 December 2016 were the recipient of an Australian Postgraduate Award or an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship will have their scholarship replaced by a RTP Scholarship (Stipend and Fee Offset) for the remainder of the duration of their scholarship (i.e. for up to two years (full time equivalent) for student enrolled in a master by research degree and up to 3.5 years (full time equivalent) for student enrolled in a doctoral degree.) Doctoral degree students will automatically receive a RTP Scholarship (Fee Offset) for an additional 6 months (full time equivalent).
The Graduate Research Hub is the primary source of information for graduate researchers at the University of Melbourne. It includes guides on the facilities available, the roles and responsibilities of students and their supervisors, and the information you will need from orientation to graduation.
The RTP Scholarships are subject to the graduate research scholarship terms and conditions which contain provisions related but not limited to scholarship suspensions and terminations, changes to the recipients course or study rate, paid leave, work and income from other sources. RTP Scholarships are not transferred between higher education providers - see our graduate research scholarships page for more information.
For information about making changes to your enrolment, please refer to the Graduate Research Hub.
Students may submit a complaint or grievance in relation to the application of this policy and related procedures in accordance with the Student Complaints and Grievances Policy. For information about resolving problems related to your candidature, please refer to the Graduate Research Hub.
Opportunities to undertake internships while enrolled in a graduate research degree exist, subject to agreement with supervisors and faculty. Students will continue to receive their RTP fee offset while enrolled in a graduate research internship subject, up to the maximum scholarship duration. Students in receipt of an RTP stipend will continue to receive their stipend while enrolled in a graduate research internship up to the maximum duration, subject to meeting the requirements outlined in the graduate research scholarship terms and conditions.