Information for supervisors
The University is committed to providing graduate researchers with a positive experience and ensures the quality of supervision by requiring:
- Principal and co-supervisors to be registered
- Registered supervisors attend new supervisor development session when commencing supervision, and then attend refresher supervisor development session every five years.
- Appropriate arrangements to be made for continuity of supervision throughout candidature
- Supervisors' registration to be reviewed annually.
You will find below a brief overview of supervision at the University of Melbourne for more detailed advice and information on your roles and responsibilities, please visit the Supervising graduate researchers pages on the Staff Hub (Staff login required)
Supervisor registration
Principal and co-supervisors of graduate research candidates must be registered.
- Check your eligibility to be registered
- Enrol in supervisor development
- Apply for registration
- Read about the expectations of supervisors
- View your supervisor registration details in Themis
Expectations of supervisors
All graduate researchers are supported by two supervisors and by an advisory committee chair from commencement through to submission of the thesis. The University expects supervisors to be professional, compassionate and caring mentors and teachers who will encourage their graduate researchers to engage with the broader research community.
An important component of a supervisor relationship is the completion of the Supervisory Agreement with your graduate researcher which should occur at commencement. This agreement should be reviewed regularly throughout candidature to ensure that you have mutually agreed expectations of each other.
As a supervisor you will assist your graduate researchers by:
- Alerting them to commonly encountered tasks, processes and the standards expected of them
- Assisting them to frame their research project and timelines
- Ensuring satisfactory arrangements are made regarding ethics, intellectual property and authorship of publications arising from the work
- Advising on their standard of written work and, if required, referring them to skills training programs
- Meeting with them at least monthly to exchange ideas, check progress and plan with them to develop the graduate attributes for their qualification
- Reviewing progress at least six monthly and record the results of that review
- Advising them on the format and preparation of the thesis
- Within reason, reading any written work thoroughly, in advance of meetings, and providing regular feedback
- Providing opportunities to include them in the academic life of the department and beyond
- Encouraging them to publish their work.
Resources for supervisors
Responsible research
Resources for your graduate researchers
Professional development
Skills development
Support services
- Careers and Employment
- Child care
- Counselling
- Financial aid
- Indigenous student support
- Scholarships
- Student Equity and Disability Services
- International Student Support
Associations and advocacy